Day 26 Neueunberg am Rhein to Wasselonne

Posted by: Rob on 27/06/2013
Mostly rain
Banner showing distant mountains under low cloud


85.00 mi
27/06/2013 08:25 CEST
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
815.72 ft
832.87 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
747.08 ft
485.07 ft
1658.46 mi
208.81 mi
1658.46 mi
208.81 mi

Day 26

I got up quite early and packed up under threatening but dry skies.

I went to the shop to see what I could get for breakfast. They didn't have any pacs so I just got a couple of croissants and two baguettes to keep me going.

I'm afraid German croissants are even more insipid than Swiss ones! They filled a gap though and I got underway.

I headed north and ended up back in France. There was a quiet and almost dead straight road that ran along the river/canal which I followed for about 25 miles!

It had started raining pretty heavily by this point, so I just got my head down.

I didn't see a single person for ages and I eventually crossed back into Germany for a bit of a change. Plus you never know - it might not be raining there!

It was. I actually found the cycle path proper and followed that for a fair old way. I only saw one other person in all that time!

After a while I followed a sign back to France. The path ran between the canal and the river for about 7 miles. I wasn't sure which country I was in at that point, but I was eventually spewed out by one of the many massive power stations on the French side.

Everything was very impressive. Certainly not picturesque, but what's been done to the river and the way it's worked is very interesting.

Because the area was very flat and the roads/paths very straight, I was smashing out the miles.

I got to a point where I needed to head away from the river as I had my eye on a campsite and I didn't want to go through Strasbourg.

By this time, the rain was on and off and there was even a bit of sunshine for a while.

I managed to get on a cycle path which I think was Eurovelo 5, but I lost it in some town.

The French may make better croissants, but the Swiss have cycle route signing in the bag!

I kept going on the road and eventually somehow managed to get on what was suspiciously like a motorway!

I'm pretty certain it wasn't, but a couple of cars were beeping at me, so I got off at the next junction anyway.

I really wish I'd stayed on for just one more junction (it was only another k) as I then spent about an hour going round in circles looking for an alternative to the "Motorway".

I got there in the end and was then only about 10 miles from Wasselonne where I wanted to camp.

It was at this point that I found an excellent cycle path leading all the way to my destination.

Amusingly, there were signs telling me how far I had to go with arrows pointing straight ahead every km or so. Why now?! It was impossible not to follow the path as it ran along a river and the town was visible on the hillside ahead!

I found the campsite fairly easily and it kindly stopped raining just in time for me to pitch my tent.

There is a hotel next door with a restaurant, so I shall go and have a look at that in a minute. If it's too posh, I'll take a stroll into town. I am starving!

The WiFi here is rubbish, so the pics will have to wait. I didn't take many anyway due to the general wetness of the day...

The bottom half of the internet

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Simon on 27/06/2013 23:09:16
I'd guess that German and Swiss Croissants are made with margarine and French ones are made with butter! Karen's travel in Germany and eat in France suggestion sounds like a plan!
Karen on 27/06/2013 21:20:56
So it sounds like you should cycle on the German side for the cycle paths and signs, then pop over to France each evening and camp there so you can have pain au chocs and decent croissants for breakfast....Weather not great here either - got wet at the Norfolk Show today. But we did get to eat lots of delish samples of local chutneys and sausages. And saw some cows.
Kirst on 27/06/2013 20:04:09
The weather in Scotland is lovely. Proper lovely, not just lovely for Scotland.
Mum on 27/06/2013 19:59:49
So is the plan to ride through Belgium into Holland before returning home? We have had pretty poor weather here too and the wi-fi not too good where I am.