Day 6 - North Uist to Harris

Posted by: Rob on 28/05/2023


63.41 mi
10.92 mi
28/05/2023 06:52 BST
9.48 mph
31.41 mph
12987.57 Btu
0.09 hp
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
4130.58 ft
4145.67 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
669.95 ft
2.62 ft
63 °F
43 °F
319.23 mi
112.26 mi
399.65 mi
319.23 mi
112.26 mi
399.65 mi

The final island!

I got to sleep super early ready for an early start. Missing the first ferry of the day was not an option! In the morning I packed up in record time and was on the road just before 7.

It was only about 5 miles, so I had plenty of time to get to the ferry. I knew they'd be a little waiting room thingy and I needed to use - how can I put it - "The facilities" as there were obviously none where I was camping!

A gradual trickle of walkers, cyclists, the odd car and the inevitable camper van brigade arrived. It was very cold so I stayed in the waiting room with a bunch of cheery Italians.

The ferry was slightly larger than the Eriskay - Barra one and had a proper indoor area which I was extremely grateful for! It also had a coffee machine for a couple of warming drinks on the hour long crossing. I stuck my ear buds in and settled down with some bangin' choons...

On arrival I headed off into the cold. I was looking for somewhere to get supplies. I passed a Co-op and it was closed. Then it dawned on me - it's Sunday. And this is The Western Isles. Nowhere is going to be open!

I figured something must be open somewhere despite Google Maps telling me otherwise. So I forgot about food and just carried on. The views were the best so far! Lots of cliffs and beaches. Very sandy beaches!

After 20 miles or so, I reached Tarbert. Everywhere was closed except for one proper restaurant. So that's where I went. A few other cyclists had the same idea, so it was quite busy. The food was excellent. About time I had a proper meal!

All that took quite a while, so took a big chunk out of my riding time. What with the hour long ferry crossing too, I needed to get a move on.

The next stretch seemed to take forever. There were some pretty big climbs and the wind wasn't helping. At least it was dry though!

I was feeling a bit deflated. Endless stretches of nothingness and a long way to go. The views were good though!

Eventually I decided to head to Stornoway as I needed to be near shops that would at least be open tomorrow morning.

I found a campsite just outside Stornoway which is OK, but what it lacks in general niceness it makes up for with awesome showers!

I noticed a Chinese takeaway on the way in and thought about going there for dinner. Then read the reviews which were all along the lines of "The worse Chinese food I have ever eaten", so I cooked up a meatballs in pasta meal - the last of my supply instead.

I need to be at my ferry by about 13:30 tomorrow, so I'll probably nip up to the north coast first thing before making my way back again. Much as I love a ferry, this will be the last one which I'm quite pleased about!

So tomorrow night I'll be in Ullapool!

The bottom half of the internet

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Karen on 28/05/2023 19:34:05
Great views on the video, and amazing photos of beaches - looks so lovely. Food looks pretty good too! And not a tunnocks in sight……
Rob on 28/05/2023 19:55:16
Unfortunately my last tea cake got squished and oozed chocolatey goodness all over the inside of my barbag! Took a fair bit of cleaning up!
Karen on 28/05/2023 20:57:04
Oh no! ☹️