Day 2 East Horsley to Portsmouth

Posted by: Rob on 03/06/2013
Mostly sunny
Banner showing view of Portsmouth harbour from ferry


62.24 mi
197.30 mi
03/06/2013 07:37 BST
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
3431.76 ft
3585.96 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
603.67 ft
1.64 ft
126.24 mi
197.30 mi
126.24 mi
197.30 mi

Day 2

I slept pretty well on my first night. I was a little cold at one point, but I couldn't be bothered to put another layer on, so I can't have been that cold!

I woke up nice and early feeling a bit apprehensive what with my knackered tent pole, but as soon as I opened up my tent to see a glorious morning, I forgot about all that and remembered why I love doing this stuff so much.

I took my time packing up as I wanted to wait until the rush hour was over before setting off. So at about 09:30 I said goodbye to the campsite people and hit the road.

The next town was Guildford where I would try and find a camping shop to buy a replacement pole kit. I knew you could get them - I just didn't know if I'd find a shop that sold them. I needn't have worried - I just rolled down the high street and lo and behold, a Field and Trek appeared. So I nipped in and bought a pole kit for 3.99! (Half price!)

It's not ideal as I shall have to do some fettling as the sections are too long, but at least I'll be able to do something when the current pole finally gives up.

After that, I headed off in the general direction of Portsmouth. I didn't really know where I was going, so I just followed my inner navigation mojo which actually worked rather well!

I went a bit wrong around Liphook, but I realised my mistake pretty quickly and was soon back on track. I also went wrong at Havant, but it was pretty obvious that heading on to Hayling island wasn't right!

I eventually found my way to the ferry port and got a bite to eat as I had loads of time. I then just rolled up to check in and got sent to the front of the queue. The advantage of being on a bike!

I stowed my bike in a little room in the stern and went to find my cabin. And very nice it is too! I got showered and changed before we'd even set sail then went up on deck to have a look around.

We're under way now, so I will probably get a bite to eat and then go to bed and read for a bit.

Next stop, France!

The bottom half of the internet

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Simon on 04/06/2013 10:45:15
How do you manage to arrange such fantastic weather every time you go away?! Hope the ride is going well!
Rob on 04/06/2013 12:05:00
I pray to the weather gods!
mikej on 03/06/2013 22:09:10
Hope you sleep well and have a good ride tomorrow all best Dad