Day 3 St Malo to Hellean

Posted by: Rob on 04/06/2013
Mostly sunny. Hot in afternoon
Banner showing camping pitch and bike


69.16 mi
04/06/2013 09:15 CEST
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
3649.57 ft
3531.17 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
425.79 ft
1.64 ft
195.41 mi
197.30 mi
195.41 mi
197.30 mi

Day 3

So I was awoken at about 7 am by a voice from a tinny speaker telling me that breakfast was being served. It was like Blofeld in OHMSS.

I slept pretty well so got up to get something to eat then packed all my stuff up.

When the ferry docked I got straight off and rode out waving my passport at an uninterested man and hit the road out of town. This was pretty straight forward and I was soon crossing the bridge to get on the west side of the water.

I followed the main roads for a while, then found a cycle route heading directly south which is what I wanted. It was fine for a while, but for some reason I cannot fathom, the route was suddenly blocked and declared closed.

So it was back on the main roads. I started to get really hungry mid morning, so I kept an eye out for cafes and shops in the towns I passed through. Everywhere was shut. What on Earth do French people do when they're hungry and it isn't breakfast, lunch or dinner time?! I found a petrol station and went in. There were no sandwiches and there was no sign of pork pies and monster munch either! They did however have an excellent selection of biscuits, so I bought a big pack of La Barquette de Lulu. I ate the lot in one go.

I pressed on and navigation was easy. By lunch time places were starting to open, so I stopped in St Meen le grand for a cheese and ham baguette. It was just what I needed and I got going again. After waiting about a year for the bill...

I knew there were two campsites just north of Ploermel, so that was my target for the afternoon. It was pretty uneventful really - I just smashed it down the (almost deserted) main roads.

I had a look at the first one (which didn't have great reviews) then went to check out the second one which was a bit more off the beaten track. I'm glad I did that as I am staying at a fantastic site in the village of Hellean.

Very friendly and everything you would expect of a campsite.

The first thing I did was to fix my broken tent pole. I took one of the spare lengths I'd bought back in Guildford (that seems ages ago now!), measured it using a section of my leg (don't have a tape measure!) Then cut it down to the correct length (the pole, not my leg) with the saw thing on my multi tool. Perfect!

I had a shower and brewed up before heading into the village for some dinner in a restaurant I'd spotted earlier. In fact, that is where I am now! I have just finished the 4th course!

I shall try and upload some more photos later. I took one of each course :)

Back at campsite and absolutely stuffed now!

The bottom half of the internet

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Clint on 12/06/2013 22:22:39
Thats a lot of fromage!
Karen on 06/06/2013 18:55:23
That cycle route looks just like the Marriott Way only without the chemical factories and scrap yards....we cycled along it for a bit last week - I think F and I managed 8 miles and B and A did about 14 ....but I don't want to show off :)
Simon on 05/06/2013 12:27:02
Couldn't believe it when I looked at lunchtime and saw you had done 45 miles! You are ripping France up! When french people are hungry mid morning they go to a boulangerie and get a croissant, pain au raisin or a pain au chocolat (which one you get depends on whether you like plain pastry, dried fruit, or chocolate - actually, thinking about it you might find a 'suisse au chocolat' which is a bit moister than a pain au chocolate and is my personal fave).
Mum on 04/06/2013 20:01:21
Looking forward to seeing the photos of each course of your meal! x
Kirst on 04/06/2013 19:42:02
Did you order your dinner in French as well as your lunch?
Rob on 04/06/2013 19:44:32
Yeah, it was a set menu ;)