Day 28 - Oberwesel to Rolandswerth

Posted by: Rob on 04/07/2018
Thunder storms
Banner showing small ferry crossing river


63.50 mi
04/07/2018 06:54 CEST
10.10 mph
19.69 mph
6312.55 Btu
0.08 hp
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
2420.28 ft
2485.56 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
400.92 ft
173.88 ft
81 °F
61 °F
1691.05 mi
621.30 mi
1691.05 mi
621.30 mi

More Germany

I had quite a late night last night due to the football going on longer than expected! The WiFi was good enough for me to watch it on the ITV app, however it would pause occasionally - including just before Eric Dier took the winning penalty! That made it even more nerve wracking! After all the excitement, I still woke up early and hit the road around 7.

I was aware that there could be rain today, so had decided on a campsite about 100km away which would mean I could still get there in time even if rain kept stopping play.

It was cloudy to start with, but the sun was at least making a bit of an effort to poke through as I continued along the cycle path right next to the river. There were lots of castles and other stuff to look at along the way and I stopped at a nice looking bakery for breakfast. I got a roll with cheese and salad and a pastry thing with various fruits on top. It was very nice indeed!

It was really muggy at this point and it was obvious from the darkening skies that rain was coming! I arrived in Koblenz which looked like an interesting place from what I saw of it. I spent quite a bit of time there navigating my way through the city avoiding hoards of tourists.

As I headed out of the centre, it was a little less pleasant - passing through industrial areas and nondescript suburbs. It was around this time that it started raining. I stopped under a tree for a while, but realised that was pointless, so headed off again. Then it started chucking it down and I needed more than a tree to shelter under! I spotted a McDonald's and dived in there. People are going to start thinking I secretly like the place as I had a burger whilst I was there!

The rain eased off again, so I set off. Some of the path was by the river and some of it wasn't. That's all I can say about that section really! There was one more heavy downpour that caused me to immediately swerve into a café where I had a coffee and some kind of cake. Not sure what it was, but it was chocolatey and nice!

I was getting pretty close to my selected campsite by now and the rain finally stopped when I arrived. I thought the site was OK when I arrived, but now I've had some food (pizza) in the Biergärten and the sun has come out, I actually think it's really nice! It's right by the river again, but in a slightly more built up area than last night.

Tomorrow I keep on going north, only I won't need to find a campsite as I am staying with Helen and Klaus near Kempen. I will have the luxury of a sofa! 😀

The bottom half of the internet

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mikej on 05/07/2018 00:50:17
Still a nervous wreck after watching the whole match yesterday. brought down to earth by dismal display by Essex in T20 - thrashed by Sussex!!
Karen on 04/07/2018 19:12:08
Koblenz is twinned with Norwich,so I hope Norwich gets a mention on their welcome to koblenz signs otherwise I think we should complain because we mention them on ours 😋 ....and maybe a street name or two (we have Koblenz Avenue). Shame about the rain - hope tomorrow is drier.
Rob on 04/07/2018 19:40:02
To be honest, I didn't see any signs! I suspect they do give Norwich the nod though as other towns I've been through have their twins on the signs.