Day 2 - Paddington to St Stephen

Posted by: Rob on 21/05/2024
St Michael's Mount


70.55 mi
325.40 mi
21/05/2024 08:22 BST
9.15 mph
33.44 mph
14010.71 Btu
0.10 hp
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
5216.54 ft
4959.32 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
653.54 ft
3.28 ft
97 °F
55 °F
109.39 mi
325.40 mi
109.39 mi
325.40 mi

The Start Proper

I boarded the train at 10:30pm. There were two other guys with bikes who were also doing LEJOG. The bike area was rubbish. It wasn't quite as bad as the useless "Bike cupboards" you get on some trains, but bikes still needed to be hung up by their front wheels. This meant all bags had to come off and a lot of faffing. To be honest, it wasn't that bad and it was all sorted fairly quickly.

So now I just had about 9 hours to kill! Sleep was the most obvious option and I did get a fair amount of it, but it was constantly interrupted by a lack of comfort and cretins talking all the time.

When the sun came up, it looked to be a pleasant day and I was raring to go. Well, as much as I could be in the circumstances!

So when the train finally pulled into Penzance, I got everything loaded up and got out of there sharpish!

I took the quiet route to Land's End rather than just blasting down the A30. I'd do that on the way back.

As soon as I got out of Penzance, I was treated to what Cornwall does best - a massive hill! 20% according to my Garmin. With my legs now well and truly warmed up, I pressed on. When I got to LE, it was very quiet. Much more so than the other times I've been there. I suppose a Monday morning in May isn't peak tourist time!

It was so quiet that the guys running the sign scam let me pose with my name on the sign for free. That was a real bonus, as otherwise it would've been a rubbish selfie from a distance.

For the return to Penzance, I just battered it down the A30. It was pretty quiet and 5 miles shorter.

Once the other side of Penzance, it was uncharted territory for me. I've toured in Cornwall many times, so I deliberately chose a route that took in new roads.

The extra bit to Land's End and back had really eaten into the morning, so I pressed on. After about 40 miles total, it felt more like double that. The hills were relentless! I knew I was never going to make my preferred campsite by that point.

I had a bit of a mare around the 50 mile mark. I ended up on a path through some sort of old mine. It was so rocky and up and down that I had no choice but to walk. This was extremely hard work. I had to walk about a mile before it was smooth enough to ride again. That might not sound far, but when you can't move at much more than 1mph, it takes a while.

I didn't get any photos of how bad it was - my mood at that point was not conducive to taking photos.

Once clear of all that, I really needed to decide where to camp, so I stopped at a supermarket, got a load of supplies and phoned a suitable looking campsite.

They said I could turn up anytime, which is just as well as I told them I'd be about an hour, but ended up more than double that! Always remember to allow more time when Cornish hills are involved!

Anyway, my mood was much improved by this point and I eventually made it to the campsite. It's very nice and the owners very friendly.

I did 70 miles in the end, which I'm pretty pleased with what with all the train faffage and lack of sleep.

I've got a pasta thing to eat now, but I'm most looking forward to the cherry bakewells I have for dessert!

The bottom half of the internet

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Lance on 22/05/2024 11:23:06
Good luck mate. Hope you have a great trip.
Rob on 22/05/2024 21:11:53
Cheers mate!
mikej on 21/05/2024 21:55:36
Well done, Rob. A friend at WEA told me her brother had done lejog and found Cornwall/Devon the hardest part.
Rob on 21/05/2024 21:56:34
Yeah, I'll be glad when I've got them out of the way!
Karen on 21/05/2024 21:42:14
Sounds like a bit of a challenging day, but love the photos! Have you got the campsite to yourself?
Rob on 21/05/2024 21:55:50
There's a few other people here, but it's very spread out.