Day 3 - Oban to South Uist

Posted by: Rob on 25/05/2023
View from ferry


15.00 mi
89.27 mi
25/05/2023 09:07 BST
8.95 mph
19.92 mph
2764.07 Btu
0.08 hp
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
790.68 ft
1051.18 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
235.56 ft
3.94 ft
84 °F
52 °F
154.82 mi
89.27 mi
399.65 mi
154.82 mi
89.27 mi
399.65 mi

Ferry time!

Now updated!

I woke up with a start. I checked the time. It was 22:00! I must have drifted off some time before. No matter, I went back to sleep and woke up at 6. That's a solid night's sleep.

There was no need to rush, so I just packed up slowly in a cloud of midges. They were out in force this morning!

I set of some time after 9 and made my way down to the town. I found a nice café by the harbour for some breakfast.

Next up, I had some time to kill. Fortunately, just as I was about to leave the café, I was accosted by the most talkative man in Scotland. So I got another drink and he filled me in on all the details of the Hebridean Way. He did admit that he hadn't cycled it for about 30 years, but I guess it can't have changed that much!

I bimbled down to the ferry terminal just to check it out. Not much going on. I would have liked to have seen a departures board just to know my ferry was definitely going!

Anyway, I suddenly realised that killing time would actually be easy - I had a bike with me! So I headed up to McCaig's Tower which looks over the town from the hills behind. It was a bit of a trek getting up there, but the views were worth it.

I trundled back down to the town, picking up a few supplies on the way and just hung around the ferry terminal until something happened.

Soon enough, a giant ferry arrived. That was my cue to go and stand right by the sign that said "Cyclists Q here for ferry to Uist"

There were quite a lot of people waiting to get on. Maybe a dozen with bikes. It turned out most of them had booked the Castlebay ferry and been put on this one. A minibus will then take them to the ferry on Eriskay to take them to Barra tonight. This works out well for me - let them all bugger off to Barra tonight and I'll follow tomorrow. They'll all be a day ahead of me then. We'll have to see how that pans out. In the grand scheme of things, there really aren't that many people travelling over to the Hebrides anyway , so it should be nice and quiet.

After a while boarding was opened and on I went. Bike was secured in the lower deck and I went up to find a decent place to sit. I choose somewhere by an electrical power point and good WiFi strength!

We got underway on time, I got something to eat then settled down for the journey. I read a bit, went outside a few times to check out the views and chatted with people sitting near me.

Getting off the ferry was a bit mental. All the people who needed to get the bus to take them to the Barra ferry were itching to get off, whereas I just chilled.

I rolled off the ferry and headed in what I assumed was the right direction. Seeing as it was the only direction, I was pretty confident!

Once I got away from the port, the place was deserted. It is just awesome here. Bleak, but beautiful.

I saw a couple of Highland cows - these were much more relaxed than yesterday's!

I also had run ins with the odd sheep!

Anyway, I found the campsite no problem. Well, I couldn't really miss it as it's on the only road!

I've had a shower and am now having a coffee and some Tunnock's Tea Cakes. I've had three already, but could quite easily do the whole box!

The bottom half of the internet

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mikej on 26/05/2023 21:13:20
I can't believe those blue skies, I think you are sending us a Hebridies tourist office production! all best, but missing the shots of your Hebridean gourmet suppers Dad
Simon on 25/05/2023 19:21:37
Looks absolutely stunning! I wonder what the chimney was, obvious bet is either whisky or smoked fish...... I bet you're itching to get riding!
Karen on 25/05/2023 19:00:24
Love the video! Weather looks amazing. However I am a bit disappointed that as far as I can tell there has been no consumption of tablet, tunnocks teacakes or Irn bru today - but hopefully you made up for that when you arrived.
Rob on 25/05/2023 21:14:47
Fear not! I have some Tunnock's Tea Cakes! I also have WiFi, so I'll finish off the blog in a bit. I also have another video...
Karen on 25/05/2023 22:04:00
Ah that’s good…thought there must be some Tunnocks to come! Second video is great - it looks really beautiful.