Day 5 La Roche Bernard to Pornic

Posted by: Rob on 06/06/2013
Very hot again!
Banner showing view of large bridge crossing river


55.30 mi
06/06/2013 08:08 CEST
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
1551.44 ft
1476.71 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
206.30 ft
3.67 ft
305.54 mi
197.30 mi
305.54 mi
197.30 mi

Day 5

I woke up a bit earlier today, so packed up and got on the road by 9. I had to weave my way out of the town as quite a few of the roads were closed. Turns out it was market day.

I headed south on a main road before taking to some country lanes. I passed through lots of little towns and stopped at one to buy some water and a snack. A packet of biscuits of some sort that were so nice I scoffed the lot!

After a while I picked up a cycle route which directed my towards St Nazaire. Some of it was a bit rough, but it was well signed.

When I got there I abandoned the cycle path in favour of the road - it was starting to wind around unnecessarily (just like its British counterparts!) and I knew I just had to keep an eye out for a gert big bridge! I didn't see it for ages but it suddenly appeared right in front of me. It's massive!

So I followed the signs and up I went. It's quite steep up to the main span, so I just ploded along in the (rather narrow) cycle lane.

When I got to the top, the inside lane was closed (for reasons unknown) so I used that to fly down the other side.

After the excitement of the bridge, I needed some lunch, so I rolled into the next town and got a cheese and ham baguette. I also got some sort of cake. No idea what it was (I just pointed!) but it was delicious.

At this point some bloke came up to me and started asking about what I was doing. He spoke good English, so we had a good old chat.

After he left me to it I headed towards Pornic where I knew there were several campsites. The cycle route was really well signed, but I had to do a bit of off roading as there was some serious construction work going on at one point.

I was getting pretty tired by this point, what with the miles adding up and the relentless heat, so I was very happy when I found the site.

I checked in, pitched up, had a shower and went to look for something to eat. I was too early for dinner (6 o'clock is not too early for dinner!) So I had to wait half an hour until they could do me a pizza. I have now eaten said pizza and still feel hungry!

I'm back at my tent now, but I think I shall go and get some more food now...

The bottom half of the internet

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Mum on 07/06/2013 11:57:43
Did you recognise the beach at St Jean de Monts? I'll try and find some of the old photos we took when there - but not sure if I can upload them to your blog. enjoy the good weather!
Kirst on 06/06/2013 20:45:35
Your feline friend is very fluffy.
Kirst on 06/06/2013 19:34:27
I had forgotten that small nephews would be reading and I will make no further rude remarks about the icecream, even if it does look rude.
Karen on 06/06/2013 20:45:56
Don't worry Kirsten, they've heard far worse, and didn't notice the comment about the ice cream anyway....if they do come across it it will probably make their day:)
mikej on 06/06/2013 19:10:45
Hi Rob, you are getting very close to our first experience of camping in France - north of St Jean - Notre Dames something? Can't remember - can you? Keep eating and drinking to keep those energy levels up! Dad
Simon on 06/06/2013 20:36:37
Mike, there is a place called Notre Dame de Monts somewhere near St Jean (we drove through it on our way back from the Ile de Noirmoutier a few months ago). Anyway, I guess Rob will probably go through it tomorrow morning so I'm sure he'll know it when he sees it! Photos look fantastic, I'm very jealous (apart from all the cycling, I'm not fit enough for that!)
Rob on 06/06/2013 20:44:40
I have vague recollections of the place, but it was a long time ago!
Karen on 06/06/2013 18:43:59
Hi Rob, just caught up with your blog - looks great! I have shown the pictures to Finlay and he says how come you get to eat such good food? He particularly liked the look of the steak and chips, and the lunch that involved crisps and a Yorkie bar....wasn't very impressed with the ravioli though....