Day 6 Pornic to Jard sur mer

Posted by: Rob on 07/06/2013
Sunny and hot
Banner showing view of long sandy beach


77.96 mi
07/06/2013 08:17 CEST
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
1251.48 ft
1327.72 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
127.33 ft
1.64 ft
383.50 mi
197.30 mi
383.50 mi
197.30 mi

Day 6

I was disturbed in the middle of the night by a hurricane. Well, it was bloody windy anyway! It was quite bizarre, it just came from nowhere and then disappeared again in the morning.

Despite that, I was up pretty early and on the road by 08:45.

It was all pretty straightforward - I just followed the road along the coast. Well, just inland from the coast.

I made good progress and stopped at about 10:30 for something to eat. I got a huge baguette filled with ham, cheese, egg and salad. I scoffed that and carried on.

I went through St Jean de Monts and had a little stroll on the beach. All I remember from 30 years ago was that it was massive. It still is! Huge expanse of sand and an inviting sea. I didn't go in as it was miles out!

I followed a cycle route right along the coast for a bit, which was really good.

After that, I nibbled a few miles off by cutting inland.

I then pressed on for a long time just putting in the miles. I went through Sables d'wotsit then got back on the coastal cycle path.

There were loads of campsites, but I had one in mind that I liked the look of in Jard. What I hadn't taken into account was that I had to go all around a bit of sea that irritatingly cut into the land.

By the time I got to Jard, I was so hungry that I just had to stop for some food to keep me going until dinner. I bought three pain au chocolate and smashed them straight down. I could've eaten 10 of them, but I needed to save room for dinner!

Reinvigorated, I found the site really easily. It is very nice situated as it is in woodland. Loads of those massive pine cones everywhere!

I am now down at the harbour having dinner. I had Moules frites followed by ice cream which was all very good.

If the bar at the campsite has Wee Fee, I will upload today's photos...

The bottom half of the internet

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Simon on 08/06/2013 11:08:25
We stayed in a lovely wooded campsite in Jard once, I think it was called 'Les Ecureuils'. I remember it well as our car broke down and it took the local garage 5 days to fix it, happy days..... Top progress mate, keep it up!
Rob on 08/06/2013 16:14:59
That is where I stayed!
Kirst on 07/06/2013 21:22:32
The beach at Deauville is like that too; it's massive.
Karen on 07/06/2013 20:58:21
Beach looks amazing! I only vaguely remember it. You are making brilliant progress. Aidan and Finlay are very jealous that you ate 3 pain au chocolats in one go...I might let them have one each for brekkie tomorrow.
Rob on 07/06/2013 19:56:55
I am also on a new page of my road map! Always good when that happens. Currently in a bar watching cycling on the TV!
Mum on 07/06/2013 19:34:59
When I noticed, this morning, that you were at the beach (flag on map) - I assumed you were having a swim and spending the day lazily - instead of which you have cycled nearly 80 miles! You are onto a new page of our France road map!
Kirst on 07/06/2013 19:24:40
Was tonight's icecream amusingly arranged? I love those massive pinecones. We used to collect them from the woods around Dunglass beach in East Lothian and my cousin Craig would stuff them down his tshirt and pretend he had boobs. If you weren't carrying everything by bike I'd ask you to bring me some back :-) Sounds like you've done enough miles today to get to La Rochelle tomorrow. Regardez! Fifi Folle et Louis Laloupe sont la-bas!