Day 7 Jard to Chatelaillon Plage

Posted by: Rob on 08/06/2013
Banner showing small boat on estuary shore


60.18 mi
08/06/2013 08:40 CEST
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
573.13 ft
597.41 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
95.90 ft
6.56 ft
443.68 mi
197.30 mi
443.68 mi
197.30 mi

Day 7

There was a bit of rain last night and thunder rumbling in the distance. Fortunately it didn't come to much and I awoke to grey, but at least dry skies.

I was packed up and on the road by 8:30 which is my earliest start yet.

I went into the town for some water and the obligatory pain au chocolat. Just two this morning...

I then followed the road along the coast. All pretty straight forward.

After I went through L'Aguillon sur mer I would have liked it if there was a giant bridge across the marsh land, but unfortunately there isn't! It's not too far to go around it and it's fast and flat.

Once I was round that obstacle and heading for La Rochelle, it started to rain. I couldn't be bothered to stop and put my jacket on, so that gives a good indication of the heavyness of the  rain. ie not very!

I stopped at a shop and bought a baguette, some mini baby bells and some chocolate biscuits. I ate it all in one sitting! I was going to save some for later, but never mind...

I was very pleased with how easy it was to get through La Rochelle. Towns and cities can be a right pain to get through if you don't know them, but I was back on the coast road on the other side very quickly.

Although it had stopped raining, the skies were still very threatening, so rather than push on, I thought it might be wise to stop and get sorted before any bad weather set in. Pitching a tent in the rain is no fun!

I was a bit disappointed to stop as it was still pretty early, but due to my early start, I'd already busted out 60 miles, so that'll do!

I'm staying at Chatelaillon Plage which is nice enough now that the sun has come out!

I've just uploaded pics from today and yesterday, brewed up some lumpy, out of date packet cappuccino and will now go on the hunt for food...

The bottom half of the internet

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Clint on 12/06/2013 22:41:13
Your trip through L'Aguillon this time, deffinately Cricket compaired to the infamous Rock visit - Sorry Sauce
Karen on 09/06/2013 09:55:06
We have had PACs for breakfast this morning and very nice too. Like the twinning road sign and the phone box -how did that get there? Hope the weather improves....
Aidan on 09/06/2013 09:48:01
Did you seriously only have two pain au chocolats today?
Mum on 08/06/2013 23:02:54
Hope the weather brightens up for tomorrow. We have just got in from jazz evening - pretty cool in their garden - stiff breeze blowing across from the fields. Music was good though. Just warming up with a cup of tea!
Simon on 08/06/2013 20:14:23
The phone box is about 200 metres from Melina's mum's, you should have stopped to say hello ;-). The way you're going you'll be on the 'Bac' (ferry) to Bordeaux very soon!
Kirst on 08/06/2013 17:51:33
Mini baby bels are delicious