Day 8 Chatelaillon Plage to Royan

Posted by: Rob on 09/06/2013
Mostly overcast, but dry
Banner showing road bridge with transporter bridge in background


57.20 mi
09/06/2013 08:01 CEST
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
1475.30 ft
1417.59 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
136.88 ft
6.56 ft
500.88 mi
197.30 mi
500.88 mi
197.30 mi

Day 8

I wasn't up and away quite as early as yesterday, but after a couple of croissants from the campsite shop I was on the road by 9.

The sun had made an appearance, but it didn't last long and it was back to overcast skies.

I followed an excellently signed cycle path all the way to Rochefort, but as soon as I got to the outskirts of the town, the signs vanished! They have obviously been taking tips from their UK counterparts, Sustrans!

I found a big map of the town at the side of the road and was studying it when a gentleman pulled up and asked if I needed directions. Fortunately I didn't, as I wouldn't have understood him, but it was nice of him to ask.

I knew I was looking for a big bridge (again!) and it soon loomed into view.

There is also a transporter bridge, but I couldn't be bothered to check if it was open or indeed wait if it was, so I just blasted over the road bridge. Nice wide cycle lane on this one.

I saw lots of cyclists today, obviously everyone was out as it's Sunday (which I hadn't realised!) so there were lots of waves and bonjours.

Rather than follow a cycle path, I used my map for the next bit. Ok, I couldn't actually find the cycle path!

The roads were nice and took me through some nice little towns. There was a running race in one of them and I had to wait whilst the marshalls let the runners through. So I joined everyone else shouting Allez! at them all.

Amazingly, I found a shop open. That was quite remarkable considering a. This is France and b. It's Sunday! The lady explained that I could have a salmon or ham baguette. So I asked for ham. She gave me salmon. Obviously I didn't realise that until I had left and started eating it! No matter, it was very nice.

After that I found the cycle path. It said it was 44 km to Royan, so I stuck to the road which was more like 30.

I blasted along there at a good pace as I had a nice tailwind which was good as it was threatening rain.

I rolled into Royan and went to check out the ferry, as I will need to catch that tomorrow morning. There's one at 09:30 which I need to be at 20 minutes before departure, so that's good time wise.

I found a nice campsite not far from the ferry terminal so checked in, showered and hammered their WiFi uploading today's pics.

There is a restaurant here, so that is where I shall eat in a little while. In fact - right now!

The bottom half of the internet

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Simon on 09/06/2013 21:28:41
Saumon/Jambon - yeah, I can see the problem. I knew a guy who couldn't work out why a French waiter was so keen for him to try the fish (poisson/boisson). Enjoy the ferry crossing, hope the sun shines!
Kirst on 09/06/2013 19:49:06
What's Boris up to?
Mum on 09/06/2013 21:17:37
Boris not up to much - asleep upstairs. He's been on his own all day as we were out.
Gilbert finster on 09/06/2013 19:38:37
What's for tea
Rob on 09/06/2013 20:56:47
For dinner I had eggs mayonnaise, a quarter of chicken and a chocolate eclare. Stuffed now!
Mum on 09/06/2013 18:02:19
We've had cold, miserable weather here - no sun at all today - thinking of putting central heating on! Wonder if you will be able to see the Phare de la Coubre from the ferry - do you remember it?
Rob on 09/06/2013 18:22:26
Yes, I remember the lighthouse very well! I went up it again a few years ago with Simon.
Karen on 09/06/2013 19:32:44
I don't remember the lighthouse at all....did we go up it? I think Finlay is going to post a comment will probably be food related....
Kirst on 09/06/2013 17:53:47
I like the clear, concise captions you give the photos ;-) Weather forecast for Bordeaux is chance of rain today, tomorrow and Tuesday, and sun/cloud the rest of the week.