Day 9 Royan to Bordeaux

Posted by: Rob on 10/06/2013
Cloud, rain and sun
Banner showing rows of vines in vinyard


65.76 mi
4.19 mi
10/06/2013 07:05 CEST
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
1079.13 ft
1159.15 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
98.26 ft
1.64 ft
566.65 mi
201.49 mi
566.65 mi
201.49 mi

Day 9

Although not actually raining when I got up, it was pretty cold and damp. So I did the whole packing everything up thing without getting out of my tent!

I was ready to go by 8.30 which meant I had loads of time to get to the ferry terminal a couple of miles away.

On arrival I bought a ticket and proceeded to the boarding area to wait. A couple also on bikes came up and started chatting. They noticed my GB sticker on my rear mudguard, so  knew where I was from. They were from Flanders and we had a good old chat about touring in general. They'd done some pretty impressive stuff in the past, so it was interesting talking to them.

Once on the ferry, I went inside and bought some breakfast. It was a bit too miserable to sit outside!

On arrival I said goodbye to my new buddies and got underway. I passed a Swiss couple I saw about 4 days ago! The were pretty unmistakable as they were on one of those weird tandems where the pilot is in a recumbent position and the stoker as normal. They were also towing some sort of home made trailer that was really loaded up with stuff.

Anyway, I saw a sign that said Bordeaux was 100 km away, so I took my waterproof off (warmed up a bit) and hit it.

It started raining again almost immediately! Not very hard though so I just kept going. The road was more or less dead straigt for 20 miles. There were no towns or anything. Just vineyards as far as the eye could see. I don't think I've ever ridden so far in a straight line before!

I eventually got to a town so I stopped to get some water as I had been doing an impression of a camel up until then! Bizarrely, I felt like an ice cream, so bought one.

The road split at this point, so I took the scenic one that goes through all the famous vineyards of the area, rather than the slightly more direct main road to Bordeaux.

It rained on and off, so I just put my jacket on and left it on. It would only start again if I took it off!

I stopped for some food at Puaillac (I think that's what it was called) and got going again straight away. It was a bit of a dump which surprised me somewhat.

After that it was plain sailing all the way to Bordeaux. The sun came out and I was flying through the vineyards with a tailwind.

It really was quite remarkable. I rode for about 50 miles and there wasn't a single break in the fields of vines. That's an awful lot of booze!

I soon reached the outskirts of Bordeaux, so stopped to work out where I needed to go to get to the one and only campsite I had found. I found the site no problems - ok, I had a bit of help from my phone and a few satellites ;-)

It's a really good site with lots of facilities. The WiFi is super quick, so I've uploaded some pics including my dinner pics from yesterday!

The restaurant here looks amazing, so I shall be having my dinner there a bit later.

Tomorrow morning I will need to work out where I need to go to get on the cycle path, so I shall try and find a map...

The bottom half of the internet

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Simon on 11/06/2013 12:34:59
You have inspired me, I have cycled to work the last three working days. That's 33 miles in total! I rock!
Rob on 11/06/2013 16:44:37
Nice one! I think you need to up your mileage a bit though ;-)
Mum on 11/06/2013 07:32:16
Sorry to hear its raining - think its going to rain here too. Its so cold that the central heating has come on!
mikej on 10/06/2013 22:26:06
Dinner looks good but where are the greens? Chris Froome favourite for Le Tour? Dad
Rob on 10/06/2013 20:02:31
Ferry took half an hour which I suppose is what I expected. @babbsy I only had one today, which is a low PAC count. I shall endeavor to increase that tomorrow!
Karen on 10/06/2013 20:01:21
Nice scenery and the food looks great...
Simon on 10/06/2013 20:00:13
Hmmm, was looking at the Website for the Canal du Midi and Voie Verte (, it looks fantastic but as you have probably already found out the map is not that useful! Follow the river?!
Rob on 10/06/2013 20:04:31
As for my route - I'm going to smash it on the road to Toulouse, then pick up the canal there...
Aidan on 10/06/2013 20:00:11
Awesome, just a few more calories (at least 10000 a day!)
Gilbert finster on 10/06/2013 19:59:55
Breakfast looks nice but is to small
Mum on 10/06/2013 19:54:12
dinner looks good! How far was the ferry crossing? Hope you get more sun soon.
Babbsy on 10/06/2013 19:50:40
Good work mate. The mileage and weather data is good. Could we also have a pain-au-chocolat count?
Kirst on 10/06/2013 18:52:12
Possibly Pauillac. I'm pretty sure there's a wine called that. I made friends with a very tiny kitten today, he's only about 10 weeks old. He had a good gnaw on my hand.