Day 1 - Chelmsford to Bentley

Posted by: Rob on 22/07/2019
Warm but overcast
Banner showing views in the High Weald


80.77 mi
0.50 mi
22/07/2019 07:40 BST
11.54 mph
35.34 mph
8916.81 Btu
0.10 hp
Elevation Gain
Elevation Gain:
4021.00 ft
4060.70 ft
Elevation Range
Elevation Range:
743.77 ft
0.66 ft
82 °F
68 °F
80.77 mi
0.50 mi
80.77 mi
0.50 mi

The Tour is Underway

I got up pretty early, had some breakfast, made some sandwiches, loaded up the bike and left! I was away soon after half 7 which is what I'd planned.

The ride down to Tilbury was pretty uneventful, although I was constantly checking the time and pressing on as I didn't want to miss the ferry at 10:15. This was pretty silly really, as if I missed it, I could just get the next one. 

Anyway, I made it in perfect time. It was a bit of a squeeze as it was very busy. The two guys running the ferry were very friendly and helpful. They got me to get on last so I could take up the only available space left outside. This was good as it meant I got off first.

It was really easy to get out of Gravesend. Just a few roads through town, then on to a cycle route before being spewed out into the countryside. 

I'd used the Strava route planner to create the route using the 'Most popular' setting (or whatever it's called}. This worked really well - I was basically on quiet country roads the whole way. There were quite a few tasty hills, but I knew there would be, so at least it wasn't a surprise.

The only drama came with about 15 miles to go. I suddenly became insanely hungry. I'd no food left and very little water. I was not in good shape!

I didn't pass any establishments that were open. Everywhere was shut because it was a Monday. I found this odd - this is Sussex not France!

When I eventually found a proper old skool village store, I went nuts. I basically bought as much as I could carry! Then ate most of it.

Feeling much better, I pushed on to the campsite. It's really nice. Pretty quiet and in the middle of nowhere.

I've just eaten my dinner which was Macaroni cheese, so I'll go and wash up now, then read for a bit before bed. I shall sleep well tonight! 

The bottom half of the internet

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Oscars Dad on 24/07/2019 09:41:06
So did you create your Strava route on a PC or on your phone via the Strava app?
mikej on 23/07/2019 08:23:49
I thought I posted a comment last night but it seems to have disappeared. Anyway good luck for today
Rob on 23/07/2019 17:53:48
You did post a comment last night , but you posted it under the Plan article!
Ben on 22/07/2019 21:59:55
Sounds like a more fun day than I had. I don't know the Sussex Weald at all, but from what you say it's good biking country. Where are you off to tomorrow?
Karen on 22/07/2019 21:30:01
Hi Rob, sounds like you’ve got off to a good start. All looks very picturesque, and glad to see you’re keeping up the tradition from last year of bike-on-bridge photos.