LEJOG 2024LEJOG 2024

Posted by: Rob on 07/06/2024

Now that I'm home it's time to reflect on the tour. Was it a success? What should I have done differently? Well, I can answer those two questions easily: Yes and bring proper gloves for the far north of Scotland!

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Posted by: Rob on 07/06/2024

I get up super early to get the first train out of Wick. I then have about 4 hours to Inverness. Then another 4 to Edinburgh. Then another 4 to London, before getting my final train home. A very long day indeed!

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Posted by: Rob on 05/06/2024

I had just 37 miles to John O'Groats, then another 20 to Wick. No problem distance wise, but what would the weather do? Would the sun shine for me, or would it be rain from hell?

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Posted by: Rob on 04/06/2024

What a day! Right up there as one of the toughest days touring I've ever done. Relentless wind, sunny spells that give you hope, then it's all brought down with torrential rain!

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Posted by: Rob on 03/06/2024

A bright and sunny start as I headed to Inverness and beyond. The further north I got, the colder and windier it got. Not too far left to go now...

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