LEJOG 2024LEJOG 2024

Posted by: Rob on 06/05/2024

For 2024, I decided it was about time I took on the classic UK bicycle touring route - Land's End to John O'Groats. Why I have not done this before, I don't know. But it's time to put that right!

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Posted by: Rob on 07/05/2024

As everything has been packed away for the best part of a year, it's time to get it all out for a check up. My bike also needs a once over. It's getting pretty old now, so a few new parts and some TLC are required to make sure everything is running just as it should.

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Posted by: Rob on 20/05/2024

I spent the morning packing everything up. I didn't need to set off until around 5pm seeing as I couldn't board the train until 10:30. So I spent much of the day just counting down the hours until it was time to go.

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Posted by: Rob on 21/05/2024

After a long train ride through the night (with a little bit of sleep!) the journey begins properly.

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Posted by: Rob on 22/05/2024

There's not a lot more to say about today's ride other than: There were lots of hills and lots of rain.

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